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CC Debugger ZIGBEE AP21.jpg

CC Debugger ZIGBEE

Code AP21
  • Weight 55.00g

E-shop price: 13,90

Amount: 3+ 5+
Price: 13,20 13,07
Minimum order: 1 Repeatability : 1


Cleanup sale, availible quantity: 3pcs.
Item location:
Central warehouse in Kaunas Item available (1)
Shop in Vilnius Item available (1)
Shop in Kaunas Item available (1)


The CC Debugger is a small programmer and debugger for the TI Low Power RF System-on-Chips. It can be used together with IAR Embedded Workbench for 8051 (version 7.51A or later) for debugging and SmartRF Flash Programmer for flash programming. The CC Debugger can also be used for controlling selected devices from SmartRF Studio.


CC-Debugger can be used to program and debug the following 8051-based system-on-chips from Texas Instruments:

CC1110, CC1111

CC2430, CC2431

CC2510, CC2511

CC2530, CC2531, CC2533

CC2540, CC2541

CC2543, CC2544, CC2545

It is possible to control the same devices from SmartRF Studio. In addition, CC-Debugger can control the following transceivers from SmartRF Studio:

CC1120, CC1121, CC1125, CC1175

CC1100, CC1101, CC110L, CC113L, CC115L

CC2500, CC2520

It can also be used to program the PurePath Wireless devices:

CC8520, CC8521

CC8530, CC8531

The CC Debugger works with IAR EW8051 version 7.51A or later.