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Wireless Bluetooth MP3 Audio Receiver board MH-M18 ABESP030.jpg

Wireless Bluetooth MP3 Audio Receiver board MH-M18

Code ABESP030
  • Weight 4.00g

E-shop price: 4,70

Amount: 3+ 5+
Price: 4,04 2,61
Minimum order: 1 Repeatability : 1

Item location:
Central warehouse in Kaunas Item is not available (0)
Shop in Vilnius Item is not available (0)
Shop in Kaunas Item is not available (0)


MUTE control end: used to control the power amplifier board; MUTE MUTE to output high level 3.3v; play MUTE to output low level. KEY control: this function requires additional connection resistance and keys can be achieved. Volume off function: default output 100% volume. The volume can be increased or decreased by pressing the button. If the control volume is less than 15%, the volume output will be 15% after re-energizing.If the control volume is more than 15%, the original volume will remain unchanged after recharging.