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Bluetooth CSR4.0 Audio Receiver Digital Amplifier Board, 50W+50W TDA7492P  ABMP07.jpg

Bluetooth CSR4.0 Audio Receiver Digital Amplifier Board, 50W+50W TDA7492P

Code ABMP07
  • Manufacturer Unspecified
  • ID code Does not apply
  • Weight 40.00g

E-shop price: 15,90
24,90 €

Amount: 3+ 5+
Price: 15,42 15,07
22,66 21,36
Minimum order: 1 Repeatability : 1

Item location:
Central warehouse in Kaunas Item available (5)
Shop in Vilnius Item available (2)
Shop in Kaunas Item available (1)


Amplifier Board Size(LWH): 80 x 55 x 15 mm
Power: 2.1 interface 8 ~ 25 V DC power supply
Output Impedance: 8 ohms Best (4,6,8,16 ohm impedance can drive speakers)
Output Power: powered 25 V, 6-ohm impedance output 2 X 50W, 8 ohm impedance output 2X40W dual-channel
Audio input: stereo input various versions of the Bluetooth connection, using CSR8630 Bluetooth chip, Bluetooth V4.0, high software compatibility


  1. TDA7492P digital amplifier chip, designed to optimize the circuit layout, the sound quality is very good, big power.

  2. DIP switches can be adjusted directly after the amp gain more respect and better promote greater damping horn.

    Package included:

1 x 25W+25W TDA7492P CSR4.0 Audio Digital Receiver Amplifier Board
