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ESP8266 WiFi Motor Drive Expansion Board, L293D ESP12E Lua Things Smart Car ABRDV03.jpg

ESP8266 WiFi Motor Drive Expansion Board, L293D ESP12E Lua Things Smart Car

Code ABRDV03
  • Weight 23.00g

E-shop price: 4,80

Minimum order: 1 Repeatability : 1


Cleanup sale, availible quantity: 2pcs.
Item location:
Central warehouse in Kaunas Item is not available (0)
Shop in Vilnius Item available (1)
Shop in Kaunas Item available (1)


Motor controller with WIFI ESP8266.


  • Motor power supply (VM): 4.5 V - 36V.
  • Controller power supply (VIN): 4.5 - 9V (10 VMAX), can be powered separately.
  • Logic circuit operating current: 60mA (Vi = L),? 22mA (Vi = H)
  • Control signal input level: High: 2.3 V? VIH? VIN; Low: -0.3 V? VIL? 1,5 V
  • Operating temperature: -25 - 125°.
  • ESP12E Dev kit control port: D1, D3 (motor A); D2, D4 (motor B)
