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Relay Module 10A 220V Network Relay ESP8266 ABRM20.jpg

Relay Module 10A 220V Network Relay ESP8266

Code ABRM20
  • Weight 31.00g

E-shop price: 5,95

Minimum order: 1 Repeatability : 1


Cleanup sale, availible quantity: 2pcs.
Item location:
Central warehouse in Kaunas Item is not available (0)
Shop in Vilnius Item available (1)
Shop in Kaunas Item available (1)


With ESP8266 Wifi module,4-layers board design.
Input overvoltage protection, input with TVS, when voltage exceeds 33V, automatic protection will operate.
Input overcurrent protection.
220V 10A relay, one normally open, one normally closed.
One way optocoupler isolation input, TVS input protection.
High-current terminals.
One output status indicator, one input status indicator.
More safe with relays PCB pin anti-climb design.
Access control server via TCP CLIENT mode
Via HTTP protocol control

Input voltage :DC 7-30V
Board dimension:65mm × 40mm × 20mm