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Stepper motor driver - controller TB6600 4A, DC 9V-42V, dimensions:82x50x35mm ABVV03_6K.jpg

Stepper motor driver - controller TB6600 4A, DC 9V-42V, dimensions:82x50x35mm

Code ABVV03/6K
  • Weight 120.00g

E-shop price: 9,90

Amount: 3+ 5+
Price: 8,91 8,60
Minimum order: 1 Repeatability : 1

Item location:
Central warehouse in Kaunas Item is not available (0)
Shop in Vilnius Item is not available (0)
Shop in Kaunas Item is not available (0)



TB6600 4A 9-42V Stepper Motor Driver CNC: Can control 2 phase stepper motor forward and reverse rotation, With 1-2, W1 -2 , 2W1 -2, 4W1 -2 phase excitation mode. Only the clock pulse signal can be driven two-phase bipolar stepper motor to achieve low vibration, high efficiency work. Description: 9V-42V DC power supply H bridge bipolar constant phase flow drive the maximum 4.0A of the eight kinds of output current the largest 32 subdivision of the 6 models are optional input signal high speed photoelectric isolation common-anodestandard single pulse interface offline to maintain the function 8. semi closed enclosure can be adapted to a more stringent environment 9. to provide energy-saving semi-automatic current lock function 10. built-in temperature protection and over current protection. IC parameter: single chip bipolar sine microstep stepper motor driver the new BiCD 0.13 nm process up to 42V resistance (a +) = 0.4 the forward and reverse rotation control.