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REMOTE CONTROL LG Magic AN-MR20GA bluetooth MBM67438201, AKB75855501, Netflix ADVPLG20G.jpg

REMOTE CONTROL LG Magic AN-MR20GA bluetooth MBM67438201, AKB75855501, Netflix

  • Weight 0.00g

E-shop price: 35,90

Amount: 2+ 3+
Price: 32,67 29,86
Minimum order: 1 Repeatability : 1

Item location:
Central warehouse in Kaunas Item is not available (0)
Shop in Vilnius Item available (1)
Shop in Kaunas Item available (1)


Replacement Magic Remote Control for LG Smart TVs 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020:
- OLED models: ZX, WX, GX, CX, BX, W9, E9, C9, B9, w8, E8, C8, B8
- NanoCell models: SM99, SM95, SM90, SM86, SM81, NANO99, NANO97, NANO95, NANO91, NANO90, NANO86, NANO85, NANO81
- 4K UHD models: UM80, UM75, UM73, UM71, UM6970, UN85, UN81, UN80 UN74, UN73, UN71 series, etc.
