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ANTENNA ADAPTOR TV channel 1-69 ASI2.jpg


Code ASI2
  • Weight 15.00g

E-shop price: 1,50

Amount: 3+ 6+
Price: 1,29 1,05
Minimum order: 1 Repeatability : 1

Item location:
Central warehouse in Kaunas Item is not available (0)
Shop in Vilnius Item is not available (0)
Shop in Kaunas Item is not available (0)


A typical antenna has a symmetrical output with an impedance of 300 ohms, and the coaxial cable is an asymmetrical load with an impedance of 75 ohms. Therefore, in order to connect the antenna to the coaxial cable while maintaining the matching (using devices with the same impedance throughout the system), an intermediate element, a symmetrator, should be used. A symmetrator is a passive device that uses a transformer to change the impedance and switch from a symmetrical to an unbalanced line.