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Metal, Wood, AC Voltage Detector, 3 In 1  ATS80.jpg

Metal, Wood, AC Voltage Detector, 3 In 1

Code ATS80
  • Weight 165.00g

E-shop price: 23,50

Amount: 3+ 5+
Price: 22,09 20,71
Minimum order: 1 Repeatability : 1

Item location:
Central warehouse in Kaunas Item is not available (0)
Shop in Vilnius Item available (1)
Shop in Kaunas Item is not available (0)


This product has 3 different modes for detecting wood and metal piles, and can also detect live wires inside the wall and on the floor and on the ceiling. All functions allow you to use the product more safely, protected and away from the danger of live wires.

Stud mode: detect metal studs with 1/2 inch, 1 inch and 3/2 inches mode.

Metal mode: detect metal pipes, rebars etc up to 3 inches.

AC mode: detect unshielded AC live wire up to 3 inches.

If the surface thickness is not known, you can select 1 inch or 1 1/2 inch mode to scan first, then select the appropriate mode and scan again.

Important Tips

1.For proper use, always place this product flat against the surface before powering on.

2.Place it flat on wall first. Then continuously press and hold the Scan button, and keep the unit still until calibration is complete(1-2 seconds). When calibration is complete, the unit will sound a short beep and the display bars will be cleared.

3.Keep it flat against the wall and move the unit slowly. Do not rock or lift it.

4.While calibrating, the device must not be placed directly over a stud, dense material such as metal, or over a wet or newly painted area, or it will not properly calibrate. If all segments of the middle LCD parts flash on and off, and intermittence beeps when the activation button is pressed, move the device to a different location, release the activation button and try to calibrate again.

5.Before scanning, please check the thickness of the position be detected is fit for detection.

6.Detection depth and edge detection can vary due to moisture content of materials, wall texture, paint, etc.