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SolderSleeve Wire Splices 0.8-2.0mm², CWT-9002 CAS6L.jpg

SolderSleeve Wire Splices 0.8-2.0mm², CWT-9002

Code CAS6L
  • Weight 1.00g

E-shop price: 0,70

Amount: 25+ 50+ 100+
Price: 0,60 0,44 0,32
Minimum order: 1 Repeatability : 1

Item location:
Central warehouse in Kaunas Item available (60)
Shop in Vilnius Item available (25)
Shop in Kaunas Item available (19)


The CWT-900x is an Open Barrel Splice provides electrical termination in a wide variety of interconnect applications. The SolderSleeve™ one-step terminator capabilities include terminating wires to component terminals, ground wires to cable shields, terminating coaxial cable and wire-to-wire splicing. A precisely engineered, fluxed solder preform within the heat-shrinkable thermoplastic sleeve provides a completely soldered, strain-relieved, encapsulated termination. The one-piece design of one-step terminators simplifies installation, while their transparent insulation sleeves make inspection easy.

  • Small size and lightweight
  • Controlled soldering process
  • Cross-Section Max.: 6 mm²
  • Cross-Section Min.: 4 mm²
  • Material: Polyolefin
  • Temperature Max.: 125 °C
  • Temperature Min.: -55 °C
  • Colour: Clear
