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Temperature sensor module DS18B20 CJJ00201.jpg

Temperature sensor module DS18B20

Code CJJ00201
  • Weight 2.00g

E-shop price: 2,50

Amount: 5+ 10+
Price: 2,23 1,63
Minimum order: 1 Repeatability : 1

Item location:
Central warehouse in Kaunas Item available (4)
Shop in Vilnius Item available (2)
Shop in Kaunas Item available (2)



The module features:

  • DS18B20 chip, while leaving 3P hole seat easily accessible DS18B20 chip
  • The chip pins have all been drawn, pull-up resistor
  • On-board power indicator
  • Board size: 21x10mm

The wiring diagram:
- VCC external 3.3V-5V voltage (can be directly connected to the 5V or 3.3V microcontroller MCU)
- GND external GND
- OUT small board digital output interface
