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4 channel solid relay module for Arduino RLMD03S.jpg

4 channel solid relay module for Arduino

Code RLMD03S
  • Weight 42.00g

E-shop price: 10,90

Amount: 3+ 6+
Price: 10,14 9,54
Minimum order: 1 Repeatability : 1

Item location:
Central warehouse in Kaunas Item available (2)
Shop in Vilnius Item available (3)
Shop in Kaunas Item available (2)


5V Omron solid state relays 240V / 2A, output with resistive fuse 240V / 2A.
Dimensions: 57x55x25 (length x width x height)
Input Power: 5VDC
Control signal input voltage: (0-2.5V low state relay ON) (3-5V state high relay OFF)


Quiescent current: 0 mA
Operating current: 12.5mA
Trigger Voltage: 3.3-5V
Trigger current: 2mA
DC +: positive power supply (according to the relay voltage supply)
DC-: negative power supply

CH1: relay module signal triggering end (high to trigger active)
CH2: relay module signal triggering end (high to trigger active)
CH3: relay module signal triggering end (high to trigger active)
CH4: relay module signal triggering end (high to trigger active)